18JAV is Seeking BIPOC Recovery Mentors – Training Provided! 

Apr 20, 2022


Are you a person of color in the Portland area who has lived experience with substance use disorder, and has been in recovery for a minimum of two years? Would you like to use those experiences to help youth and adults struggling with substance use as they work toward recovery? 

If so, we want to talk to you! We know that members of BIPOC communities are less likely to receive the health care and services they need, and that culturally responsive care is critical for providing the best support possible to our clients. 

That’s why we’re offering job interviews to BIPOC community members in substance use recovery and providing the training needed to become a Certified Recovery Mentor. To apply, you just need to have an interest in providing resources to others in recovery and helping them identify and meet their recovery goals. We’re also offering additional compensation for bilingual applicants. 

If hired, we will pay your way to certification, providing a salary, benefits, and the equipment you’ll need as you train for the role. The training is structured as a 40-hour hybrid course – 24-hours live, and 16-hours online. 

If you’d like to learn more about this exciting career and apply for this opportunity, please reach out to HRinbox@lifeworksnw.org

Help us spread the word! If you know anyone who would be a good fit for this role, please send them to this page, or share our flyers in English and Spanish.